Isaac Wright
Explore and Collect Isaac Drift Wright Photography on artlife.com

Isaac Wright
Explore and Collect Isaac Drift Wright Photography on artlife.com
At the end of 2020, years of unsanctioned street photography finally caught up with Isaac. He was subjected to a nationwide manhunt, and unfairly labeled a threat due to his ethnicity and military background. After four months of incarceration with no bond, Isaac’s story climbed to the front page of The New York Times on June 6th, 2021. Since then, he has evolved into one of the most successful photographers in Web3, releasing “First Day Out” as an NFT the day he was freed from prison; which subsequently achieved an estimated 7 M USD in sales, 15% of which he donated The Bail Project to help cover bail for those who cannot afford it.
Isaac’s first work to reach auction was sold by Sotheby’s and shattered its price estimate, selling for over $200,000 USD. His captivating image “”As The World Turns” was celebrated by TIME Magazine as one of the most compelling photographs of the year. Now represented by ArtLife, a prominent blue chip art gallery, Isaac is fast becoming one of the most sought after contemporary photographers.